Snow Removal
The grounds department has developed a snow removal action plan. Their prioritization for clearing campus walks is twofold - when school is in session and when school is closed.
School in Session
This diagram depicts in red, the sidewalks to be given first priority for snow and ice removal. These walks give access to each building. Clearing of additional walks will commence once crews are certain conditions will allow the first priority walks to remain open.
School Closed
Should conditions merit the closing of campus or cancellation of classes, then the focus is to provide all resident students access to Ridgway University Center, the Bower-Suhrheinrich Library and the Fitness Center as depicted in green in this diagram.
All users of campus walks are encouraged to become familiar with the routes and always use caution when going outdoors in inclement weather.
When significant amounts of snowfall are anticipated the campus community is encouraged to consolidate parking in parking lots. This is especially important in overnight or small parking lots such as Lot C east of Koch Center where scattered vehicles can greatly hinder safe and efficient removal of the snow.
Should you have questions regarding the plan, please contact Bob Dale, Grounds Supervisor at extension 2046.
The Office of Public Safety can be reached via the emergency line 6911 from a campus telephone, or at 471-6911 from a cell phone.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Student Life Center, Second Floor, Ridgway University Center